Acupressure is a traditional medical technique from China. This technique is similar to acupuncture, but does not use needles. Acupressure is thought to have several health benefits, such as helping to improve blood circulation, stimulate the nervous system, and make the body relaxed and more powerful.
Acupressure has been used for thousands of years in China. Acupressure is done by applying pressure to certain parts of the body. This pressure can be applied through the elbows, hands or special aids, but does not use needles. Therefore, acupressure is often called acupuncture without needles.
Just like acupuncture, this treatment is also believed to be good for relaxing and treating various types of diseases.
There are hundreds of acupressure points on the surface of the body, but commonly used points include:
- LR-3 or heart point 3. This point is the soft part between the big toe and the second finger on the foot.
- LI4 or the point of the large intestine is on the fingers. Position in the soft part between the index finger and thumb.
- SP-6 or spleen point 6. This point is about three fingers above the ankle, precisely in the soft or lower calf muscles.
Benefits of Acupressure for the Body
In traditional Chinese medicine, there is a theory that states that the emergence of a disease is caused by an interruption in the flow of energy called "chi" in the body. Acupressure works by releasing energy blockages.
Acupressure techniques that suppress certain points on the body are believed to overcome the blockage of energy flow and restore the energy balance in your body.
The following are some of the benefits of acupressure that you need to know about:
1. Relieve pain
Acupressure can relieve pain, such as back pain, headaches, or postoperative pain, by provoking the body to produce endorphins. This hormone will reduce pain, as well as cause positive feelings.
2. Helps relieve the side effects of chemotherapy
Patients undergoing chemotherapy often experience nausea, weakness, fatigue, or even stress.
Acupressure is believed to relieve stress, nausea, relieve pain, increase energy, and overcome constipation that may occur as a side effect of chemotherapy.
3. Relieve stress and anxiety
Anxiety, stress, and depression are common psychological disorders. In the long run, this condition can interfere with health, and reduce the quality of life.
In one study, it was found that patients undergoing treatment to treat depression and anxiety experienced improvement in symptoms after receiving additional therapy in the form of acupressure for several months.
Acupressure also appears to help reduce stress and anxiety in patients who will undergo certain medical procedures, such as dialysis.
4. Improve sleep quality
Insomnia can make the body feel energyless, difficult to concentrate, and sleepy when working. To help overcome this, acupressure therapy might help. This is thought to be related to the effects of endorphins released by the body when undergoing acupressure therapy.
In addition to some of the benefits above, acupressure is also thought to be good for helping to reduce muscle and joint pain, such as in arthritis.
Although generally quite safe, this alternative therapy can cause pain and bruising at the point of pressure. When trying to acupressure therapy, make sure you choose a therapist who is experienced and has competence in this field. If you are in doubt, consult your doctor before trying acupressure therapy.
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