Relying on the Benefits of Soybeans to Prevent Disease
The benefits of soybeans cannot be underestimated as they are used to help alleviate complaints about health problems, especially in women. These problems can be related to various conditions, such as pre-menstrual symptoms, menopausal symptoms, breast pain, and post-cancer breastburn.
The greatness of such soy is considered possible because the food source contains isoflavones. When consumed, the body converts this substance into phytoestrogens whose function is similar to the hormone estrogen.
Also keep in mind that there are some people, especially children and babies, who can experience soy allergies, both from the food ingredients directly and their processed products. This can occur because of a reaction to soy protein that makes the immune system react outside normal limits. Itching, nausea, diarrhea, skin redness, and tingling of the lips and mouth are the symptoms,
There is no exact number of measurements for consuming soy per day to get the right benefits, but 2-3 servings of real soybeans per day can provide benefits for the body. In this portion amount, which is around 15-20 grams of soy protein already provides 50-75 mg of isoflavone content.
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